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The International Foundation of Learning is continuously seeking to engage leaders in business and the community to volunteer with our projects.  Participation reflects a sincere desire to serve and make the world a better place for current and future generations. The Foundation is a registered Canadian Charity: 

Charitable Registration Number  892185448 RR 0001


Our current project is to support the Visioneers International Network Web of Good Work, as displayed on the 11 Corridors of Human Activities on the Visioneers Virtual Exposition, as seen at


The International Foundation of Learning is seeking support from sponsors, at both the individual and organization level.


 Sponsorship can be a contribution of any amount. Support of $5000 to $25,000 would be most welcome. This will enable the Foundation to support the development of the Visioneers International Network, the Virtual Exposition, and the Web of Good Work.


To discuss sponsorship possibilities, please contact:


              Dr. Geraldine Schwartz


              International foundation of Learning

              209 – 1628 West 1st Avenue

              Vancouver, BC

              Canada V6J 1G1




              Telephone:  (+1) 778-828-5007




We are looking for sponsors and partners whose values to promote good work and celebrate human nobility are in synchrony with the work displayed on both the IFL and Visioneers websites.


Since its founding in 1983, the IFL has not pursued public fundraising campaigns. Funding to support our projects has always come from business, community and government, and from personal contributions by leaders and changemakers who have offered both in-kind contributions on a volunteer basis, provided funding to support particular projects, or by providing legacy funds for future initiatives.


Charitable Contributions


The International Foundation of Learning is a registered Canadian charity and will provide charitable receipts to all donors, where this is appropriate.


Because our office space and other operational costs are mostly covered by our business partners, the Vancouver Learning Centre and Creative Learning international, and because leadership is offered on a volunteer basis by Drs. Berghofer and Schwartz and a volunteer Board of Directors, as well as other services which have been provided pro bono over the years by hundreds of volunteers, this means that most funds raised through sponsorship go directly to support the projects we endorse.


The exceptional outcomes of the International Foundation of Learning over more than three decades, described in part on this website, speak to the success of the Catalyst Forum and follow-up processes, and showcase how support provided by individual contributions is multiplied many times in the impacts achieved.


To discuss volunteer and charitable contributions (in-kind or monetary) to the International Foundation of Learning and our current project, the Visioneers International Network Web of Good Work, please Contact Us directly to indicate your interest, and we will be pleased to respond promptly.

© 2018 by The International Learning Foundation.

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